First Home Buying Myths . . . BUSTED

First Home Buying Myths . . . BUSTED

Over the years of helping clients get their dream homes, I have come across some myths that have continued to make the buying process scarier for some than it should be. Today, I would like to take a moment and BUST a few of these myths!

Myth #1: The first persistent little myth that has haunted clients is that for first home buyers it is necessary to have a 20% down payment to be approved for a mortgage. In reality, there are a variety of home purchasing programs that allow you to buy a home with as low as 0% to 3.5% down! Check out some of these programs on my website!

Myth #2: With that being said, the next big myth that haunts clients is the thought that you only need to save money for a down payment. The fact is that although it is important, and often helpful to have money set aside for a down payment.

It is important to remember that closing costs and paying for home inspections are involved with purchasing a home. Although your realtor may be able to negotiate with the seller to pay some or all of the closing costs, it is best practice to be prepared for the scenario that you will be covering it. 

Myth #3: The last myth that I would like to BUST is the belief that you must have perfect credit to apply for a mortgage. You may have had some credit challenges in the past but have done a great job re-establishing credit. Those past challenges may still be affecting your score, but it may not affect your ability to qualify for a mortgage.

The mortgage process can be intimidating, but that is why I am here to assist you through the process, answer your questions, and get you the dream home that you have been waiting for. I can’t wait to help you with your next mortgage!

Still unsure about the process? Or ready to get started? 

Visit my website financewithangievance.com or call me at 941-485-4222 so that I can walk you through the process!